Text Box: Instructor—David Melvin, PLS - Curriculum Vitae

David Melvin, PLS

Land Pro Seminars—Owner / Instructor

Teaching Technical Standards in Classroom

Teaching Wetland Delineation Course

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 Curriculum Vitae


David A. Melvin, PLS                           

9849 S.W. 59th Circle

Ocala, FL 34476

Email:  dmelvin@landproseminars.com  



Professional Registrations


          Florida Surveyor and Mapper, Certificate Number 4033





                 Bachelor of Land Surveying 1981

University of Florida

Gainesville, Florida

Work Experience


                 Title:  Professional Land Surveyor

                 Supervising land surveyor in charge of three survey crews

                 Marion Engineering, Inc.

                 Ocala, Florida



                 Title:  Professional Land Surveyor

                 Supervising land survey crew and managing survey department

                 C. Fred Deuel and Associates

                 Ocala, Florida



                 Title:  Professional Land Surveyor

                 Supervising land surveyor and managing survey department

                 Marion Engineering, Inc.

                 Ocala, Florida



                 Title:  Professional Land Surveyor/Business Owner

                 Company:  David Melvin, PLS, Fruitland Park, FL


Duties and responsibilities:


· Perform all types of land surveys (boundary, subdivision, topographic, flood elevations certificates, wetland  mapping, etc.)


· Consult with clients regarding:  Land development matters such as land subdivision regulations, wetland regulations and zoning matters.


· Flood insurance issues, such as applicable flood maps and letters of map amendment and revisions.


· Performing wetland delineations and wetland reports based on field inspections and remote sensing methods, such as black & white and color infrared aerial photography.



Title:                    Owner and Instructor

Company:               David A. Melvin d/b/a Land Pro Seminars


· Approved as a Continuing Education Provider by the Florida Board of Surveyors and Mappers. (License Number CE53, Provider Number 0002617)


· Approved as a Continuing Education Provider by the Florida Board of Professional Engineers. (Provider Number 4069)


Duties and responsibilities:  To develop and present seminars, workshops and correspondence courses for land professionals, such as land surveyors, engineers and floodplain managers.


Professional Associations

Florida Surveying and Mapping Society - Director for District 2 (1997-2003)

Association of State Floodplain Managers

Florida Floodplain Managers Association


Activities, Experience and Events


Florida Surveying and Mapping Society’s (FSMS) Education Program:

Taught numerous seminars since 2000, including four (4) 4-day seminars on wetland delineation (state and federal methodology), several one-day seminars on wetland delineation, tree identification, and Minimum Technical Standards and many one hour seminars for FSMS chapters around the state  (FSMS provided continuing education credit to surveyors for these seminars) 


Florida DOT District 4, Ft. Lauderdale:

Taught a one day wetland delineation seminar to FDOT surveyors in 2000 (FSMS provided continuing education credit for this seminar).


Florida DEP, Surveying and Mapping Bureau, Tallahassee:

Taught several one-day seminars to FDEP since 2000 1). Introduction to Wetland Indicators, 2). Florida’s Unified Wetland Methodology, 3). Tree Identification for Surveyors and Mappers, 4). Trees of Florida’s Wetlands   5).  Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Methods


Florida Floodplain Managers Association:

Taught a courses in 2006 at seven different Florida locations regarding the preparation and interpretation of FEMA Elevation Certificates to the members of the FFMA as part of that organization’s education program


Taught a course in 2010 at five different Florida locations regarding the preparation and interpretation of FEMA Elevation Certificates to the members of the FFMA as part of that organization’s education program


Land Pro Seminars, Tavares, Florida:

(2003 – Present) Started Land Pro Seminars in 2003 - Land Pro Seminars is a seminar workshop business, which produces seminars and educational workshops for land professionals.  Most of the business’s seminars involve surveying and mapping topics, floodplain management, and environmental education    


· Oct. 24 & 25, 2013_Alabama Society of Professional Land Surveyors_ Montgomery, AL

         David Melvin of Land Pro Seminars presents a one-day seminar on Wetland Delineation Issues and Methods, and a one-half day seminar on Wetland Plants to ASPLS Conference

· Feb. 6 & 7, 2014_Missippi Association of Professional Surveyors_ Vicksburg, MS

         David Melvin of Land Pro Seminars presents a one-day seminar on Wetland Delineation Issues and Methods, and a one-day seminar on Mississippi Land Boundary Law to MAPS Conference.

· March 21 & 22, 2014_Tennessee Association of Professional Surveyors_ Murfreesboro, TN David Melvin of Land Pro Seminars presents a one-day seminar on Wetland Delineation Issues and Methods, and a two-hour seminar on Wetland Plants to TAPS Conference.

· October 2014, 2018_Alabama Society of Professional Land Surveyors_ Montgomery, AL, 

         David Melvin of Land Pro Seminars presents a one-day seminar on Elevation Certificate

          Problems and Solutions.

· Summer 2016_Alabama Society of Professional Land Surveyors_ Orange Beach, AL

         David Melvin of Land Pro Seminars presents a one-day seminar on Alabama surveying standards and ethics rules.

· August 19, 2018_Florida Surveying and Mapping Society_ St. Petersburg, FL, 

         David Melvin of Land Pro Seminars presents a one-day seminar on FEMA Letters of Map

           Change for Surveyors.

· October 19, 2018_Florida Surveying and Mapping Society_ Tallahassee, FL, 

         David Melvin of Land Pro Seminars presents a one-day seminar on Elevation Certificate

          Problems and Solutions.

· Since 2003 to PresentOver 500 con. ed. live classroom seminars presented

· Since 2003 to presentOver 25 continuing education correspondence courses authored